Thursday, May 23, 2013


Nancy Laronda Johnson, author of “Anticipation of the Penitent”, has done something that I never expected in my days of writing a blog: nominate me for several awards! My face must have been glowing with embarrassment when I saw the comment from her this morning. Here I am, just a person trying to make sure that people are aware of what they are getting into before they pick up a book or go to a movie, and she nominates me!!

Needless to say, I am honored and humbled and will accept the awards listed below and will pass on the honors to those people that are in my opinion better at this than me.

First up is:
Awarded to me from Writer's Mark

Very Inspiring Blogger Award Rules

1. Display logo in your blog to show you've been nominated!

2. Link back to your nominator.

3. Share 7 things about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

5. Notify your nominees.

Here are 7 things about me:

1. I try to write every day, even if it is for fifteen minutes, to try and hone my abilities and make them better than they were before.

2. I have been on a weight loss site called since 2009, and have been trying to lose the same 40 pounds three times now; am not a happy camper.

3. I think that this summer’s movie crop will be the best that have come out ever simply because of MAN OF STEEL!

4. I have been going to a new church an hour from home that has expanded my way to worship and experience God in a new and awesome way. Every Sunday I get something that I had never thought of before

5. My first two dogs were named after two supporting characters in my first full length novel: Grey Wolfe and Sapphire Storm. I just started rewriting this book earlier this month and hope to have it ready for an agent by the end of the year.

6. I do not put down a book until I have finished it, no matter how bad it is.

7. I love to meet people, and try to be friendly to everyone that I meet, at least at first.

The next award I was nominated for is:

Awarded to me from Writer's Mark

The Liebster Rules: 1. The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by bloggers. 2. Post 11 facts about youself. 3. Answer the 11 questions that are asked by the nominating blogger. 4. Choose 11 new bloggers to nominate for the Award and link to them in the post. 5. Create 11 new questions for your nominees. 6. Go back to their pages and tell them they've been nominated. 7. No tag backs.

Here are the questions from my nominee:

1. What’s your best quality? The ability to take everything in stride and not let it effect me.

2. What celebrity would you want to kiss, say if you nor he/she were married? Jessica Alba

3. You have to create a TV show, any kind. What will it be about? It would definitely be a fantasy show based around my first book series. They would probably end up making it into a cartoon simply because it would be easier and much less expensive

4. What’s one thing you wish you totally understood? Human nature

5. What human condition/emotion do you wish you had more control over? fear

6. If you could be any animal, which would it be? wolf

7. You have to relive one of your past years. Which one will it be? This past year. I think I would change several things that have happened to make things come out differently.

8. Captain Kirk or Mr. Spock? Spock

9. Deliciously evil or boringly good? Deliciously evil

10. What language do you wish you spoke fluently? German

11. You have one day to do whatever you want. What will you do? Spend time with the people that I love on a beautiful island with no distractions.

My questions for my nominees:

1. What is the first book you ever remember reading?

2. What is your one guilty pleasure TV show?

3. What one thing can you not live without?

4. You have one day with no responsibilities or money worries. What do you spend it doing?

5. Old Kirk or New Kirk?

6. Coke or Pepsi?

7. What do you have to do every day without fail?

8. If you could be one bird, which one would you be?

9. What is your most attractive attribute?

10. What is one thing you wish you totally understood?

11. If you could have dinner with three famous people, past or present, who would they be and what would you want to discuss with them?

My nominees to receive any or all of the above awards are
K Dawn Byrd


Emma Michaels


Random Jottings by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

Pray Run Eat

The Pregnant Diabetic

A Dragon Writes

Give Me Something to Write About

I would once again like to thank Nancy for the honor, and hope that I am doing the awards proud, and pray that the nine people that I nominated (since they were the most worthy in my opinion) for the awards will see things the way I do.

As always, if you like what I have to say, please leave me feedback below or send me an e-mail at If you don’t like what I have to say, please leave me feedback below or send me an e-mail at

As always, be kind, please rewind, and remember two wrongs may not make a right, but three rights always make a left.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Am Eternal, Committed and Revelation Cancelled reviews by Athanasios

I Am Eternal, Committed,and Revelation Cancelled by Athanasios


Recently, I volunteered to review this trio of books on Goodreads because the basic premise of the first book intrigued me. I am Eternal is a short story that follows Simon Magus thru his daily routine at of all places, a video game company. For those of you not familiar with Simon Magus, he made his “first appearance” in Acts 8 when he tried to by his salvation from Peter, which led to a confrontation between the two. Part of the story tells Simon’s side of this confrontation, in the method of flashbacks, while the rest of the story is centered around him and one of his co-worker’s relationship as they begin to discuss intricacies of a new video game centered around a vampire hunter. And oh, yea, the reason why Simon has been around so long may have to do something with the fact that he himself is a vampire.

The story was a quick read, and left me wanting more about Magus, so I am hoping that we will see more of him in another story or even a full-fledged novel. The story is extremely well written, but the ending came out of nowhere. I was honestly expecting Magus to take his associate under his wing and trying to convert him or turn him instead of killing him. That was my only negative about the story, and as I said, I would definitely read more of the trials and trails of Magus, should the author decide to continue his story.

The second book, Revelation Cancelled, is actually teased in the short story I Am Eternal, as a book that Simon is reading, and it is the first of the “Predatory Ethics" series. It is the story of the growing up of the anti-Christ, and all the forces (Catholic church, Templars, Satanists) that want to control and use him when he comes of age.

When this book opened, it did not seem like it was the story of the anti-Christ: rather, it was the story of a man struggling with his calling. The way the story was setup was different, with it jumping around from place to place, and as the book progressed, from time to time. After the man accepted his calling, he took the anti-Christ under his wing and began teaching him, and the world continued on around them, with both of them “oblivious” to what was going on, but at the same time, the caregiver was prepared for anything, which does happen at the end.

The story was deeply detailed, and well-researched, with flashbacks to ancient times showing previous incarnations of the anti-Christ, all of which ended with his dying. It also introduced us to Simon Magus (yes, the same one from I Am Eternal), only much younger, and much hungrier for something to believe in. I was intrigued with the discussions between Magus and the Byzantine-time anti-Christ and their depth of understanding of what they were discussing.

The subplots concerning the Catholics, the Templars, and the Satanists all trying to locate the anti-Christ was intriguing, and kept me guessing as to whether or not I was going to turn the page and find one of them in the anti-Christ’s house, leading him away for their bidding.

The book was definitely a deep book and you can easily find yourself getting lost in it, but be warned that it is not for someone who is not grounded in their faith, as it could sway your beliefs. There are deep rituals described in the book, and a lot of swearing and violence, especially toward the end.

The third book, Committed, picks up the story of the anti-Christ some time after the end of Predatory Ethics, and brings you back into the anti-Christ’s life. He is now locked in an asylum, having been charged and convicted of killing and brutally dismembering the bodies and putting them into poses (which are described in detail). It also brings the churches and the Templars back in as they are trying to figure out how to get him out and make him return to what he was born to do.

The research that went into this book again was amazing, as the author describes some of the serial killers of the time and how they would have “presented” offerings to the anti-Christ as a way to gain favor with him. The funny part was that the people working at the asylum did not seem to understand what they were dealing with, and just think that the boy is another whack-job with delusions of grandeur.

This book was not as long as the first, and I quickly mowed thru it, but was happy to see that Simon Magus made another appearance, and I believe it was revealed (or maybe I just read it that way) that he was a vampire. His desire for one of the higher beings in the Satanist army was well written and will be interesting to see where it goes in future books, as this book again left the reader waiting for what was next.

Again, this is a deep book and deals with very mature subjects as well as multiple religions and their rituals, which are described in detail. There is swearing and violence in this book as in the first, but if you are strongly grounded in your faith, and want a story of “what-if” for the anti-Christ, then I heartily recommend both of these books for you to get. If blood, gore, swearing, and violence is not your cup of tea, then steer clear. You have been warned.

As always, if you like what I have to say, please leave me feedback below or send me an e-mail at If you don’t like what I have to say, please leave me feedback below or send me an e-mail at

As always, be kind, please rewind, and remember two wrongs may not make a right, but three rights always make a left.